JavaScript Doodles

Recreational programming experiments

A collection of weekend projects and train journey scribblings.

If you're new to JavaScript, much of this is not well written and should not be taken examples of good code. To the experienced programmers, we can only apologise for the crimes committed here.

These have been tested in Firefox and Chromium.

Rose Engine

Drawing some basic rose engine lathe patterns.

IFS Fractal

Rudimentary rendering of some IFS fractals.

Meters Game

A very basic game built around the <meter> element.

Broken Music Box

Messing about with FM synthesis in the Web Audio API.


Tracing patterns from connected circles, like the toy.


Drawing chords of a circle to make pretty shapes.


Rendering the Mandelbrot set.

Sierpiński Triangle

Rendering the Sierpiński triangle.

Prime Spiral

Show the distribution of primes in a spiral layout.